Use your Mastercard Prepaid Card everywhere Mastercard is accepted in the U.S. You must claim your card within that timeframe. Please note that access to your payment expires 3 months from the date it is issued. Your payment will be delivered via email with instructions for claiming your Mastercard Prepaid Card.
See for full terms and conditions and complete details. Offer not valid on bulk purchases, new construction, remodels, or first-time oven installations. Offer cannot be combined with other offers, promotions or discounts. Offer awarded as a Samsung Prepaid Mastercard®. Offer valid for professional cabinet modifications only installation costs excluded.
Qualifying product must be a 30” built-in wall oven or 30” or 36” cooktop, purchased between and, and must replace existing oven or cooktop of same size and configuration. 2Must be an eligible legal resident of the 50 US/DC & at least 18 years old to participate.